The Reindeer Dragon is an Event-Only Dragon which can be obtained most frequently through one or more of the various events within the realm of Dragolandia. Stats The base Gold/Hour is the same, regardless of any awoken Elements. Its feet are covered in a thicker fur in the same light peach and each foot has three small orange toenails. There is a pair of small orange wings upon its back which consist of only two wing bones, and the flaps in between are of a light peach color. The nose is a bright red and it has hot pink eyes. Its antlers are an orange-brown color, and it also has a short, blunt horn jutting out from its forehead. Instead, they are rather short in length and thick in width, giving it the look of a young reindeer, and there are three visible prongs on each one. Surprisingly, unlike its name, its antlers don't resemble the antlers of an actual reindeer. It wears a green and red-striped scarf around its neck, along with Christmas lights around both of its antlers. It is light orange in color with a creamy peach underbelly and lower jaw. The Body Shape of the Reindeer Dragon is Saurian.